We will be happy to see your pet when his/her skin, ears, coat or nails are in any condition or when he/she is on any medications for any skin, ear, hair or nail problem. VERY IMPORTANT! There is quite a bit of paperwork to be filled out. Don't worry! We just want to know we have all the necessary information to provide your pet with the best possible care! WE WILL EMAIL (always) and snail mail (when time permits) THE NECESSARY PAPERWORK. PLEASE FILL THESE OUT AS COMPLETELY AS YOU CAN BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. After all, we would hate to waste your consultation time with this task. Yes, we will get the medical records when possible, but what was prescribed and what you have done may not quite be the same thing! So please take a few thoughtful moments and be as thorough as you can. It WILL pay off! You may complete some of the paperwork prior to the appointment by filling out the forms mailed to you after initial contact with our office, or by downloading the forms from our web site under Forms.
In order to provide the best care and in order to obtain a complete dermatologic history and examination, the first appointment is 1 - 1 1/2 hour in length and we require your presence during this time. In addition, you may need to leave your pet for several hours more if more in-depth testing (eg. Allergy testing, biopsy, video otoscopy) is determined to be necessary. Some choose to go to work or do errands and then pick up their pets later that day. We will do our best to work with you and your schedule. Please make a list of, or bring, any medications, nutritional supplements, and topical therapies that are currently being used or have been used in the past 4-6 months on your pet. This helps us to help you determine what "pink pill" your pet is/was receiving. Please do not rely on medical records for this sort of information. What was prescribed may not be what you have been giving so your input is vital for our overall assessment of previous therapy.
Also know the brand name and flavor of the diet your pet is being fed as well as any treats or chewies you have been giving. We request that, if possible, you bring a copy of your pet's medical records from your veterinarian for us to keep or have your veterinarian fax the records to 770-936-8797. What Happens After the Visit All home care instructions are written up for your convenience. Be sure to review these carefully once you get home, and call us right away if any of the instructions are unclear. Someone at AVSAC is available Mondays 9-3, Tue-Thur 9-12:30 and 2-6 and Fridays 9-3. Do not hesitate to call Dr. White, Dr. Hubbard or one of the patient care technicians if you have any questions or concerns. We are here to help! A fax and/or letter will be sent to your veterinarian after your pet's appointment. Please return to your pet's regular veterinarian for all routine care. We do not take the place of your pet's primary care provider. The fees for services are usual and customary for the specialized service rendered. If requested or if intensive diagnostic, therapeutic or surgical intervention is needed, an estimate will be given. Fees are payable in full at the time of release/discharge. Payment may be made by cash, check, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover or Care Credit if approved.